1.) I think that Hawthorne's purpose for writing this story was to show that he will do anything to keep his wife alive and thereafter go to heaven.
2.)  Yes, I agree because he believes that anything he does is possible for his wife to be good, loving and have good health. Also, I do think that this name suits her well because it fits what he thinks about her although they lost some connection between each other.
3.) I think that the pink ribbons signify innocence and courage.
4.) I believe that it was a dream because it doesn't make sense that something like that would happen in real life. For example, "Faith with the pink ribbons, gazing anxiously forth, and bursting into such joy at sight of him that she skipped along the street and almost kissed her husband before the whole village." That's where it makes sense that it would be a dream because it shows that she's okay.
5.) I think that the old man really is just his conscience talking to him and trying to help him out.
6.) The staff represented his thoughts because they always wanted to believe everything he was thinking and at the end nothing wasn't true. So, the staff were like his primary motivator because they believed in him.
7.) I think that by Brown going into the forest it caused something different between him and Faith were things occurred when they weren't together. It would be better if thy both remained together so that they would be happy and together in the finale. Brown would trust Faith even more if they were together because then they could watch over each other and have one another to solve any obstacles they may face.


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